Anoche Brandon Jennings lanzó varios tweets donde decía que Kobe Bryant es el GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) por encima de Michael Jordan puesto que el segundo tuvo más ayuda en sus equipos que la que tuvo The Black Mamba.
Micheal Jordan had more "Help" winning his rings then Kobe. #debate #yallfightingthat
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
Micheal Jordan had more "Help" winning his rings then Kobe. #debate #yallfightingthat
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
“@Jake_OohKillEm: @BrandonJennings what r u trying to say!?” - Kobe really the greatest ever
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
MJ never won without Pippen. Kobe won 2 rings without another great on his team. Kobe is The Goat
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
People always telling me Kobe Bryant greatest is Tricky. But MJ supporting cast was better then Kobe's. Hmm
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
It's only one player compared to MJ, and that's Kobe. Now Kobe change the mindset of a lot of players today!!! #Fact #SitUpinClass
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
MJ & Tim Duncan both had better supporting cast then Kobe. #Fact #SitUpinClass #LookattheFacts
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
If y'all actually take the time out to look up the history/Facts you would know. #SitUpinClass
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
Ron Harper is better PG, then any PG Kobe ever had
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
Scott Pippen.... We don't even have to say.
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
Dennis Rodman.... Come on now! Not even close
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
Y'all caught up in the moment look at the facts....
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
This not about who's better between MJ & Kobe. I just feel MJ supporting case was better. #Facts
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 19, 2014
Viendo la polémica desatada en Twitter, Jennings procedió a explicar que el debate que él había generado no era sobre si Kobe era mejor que Jordan o al revés, sino que Michael Jordan tuvo mejores jugadores a su alrededor que Kobe Bryant.
The debate wasn't about who's the better player. It was about who had the better Supporting Cast. Winning Rings!!!!
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 20, 2014
I'm all about who I see LIVE I guess. Kobe is the GOAT of this generation. If you fighting that Unfollow me then.
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 20, 2014
I'm all about who I see LIVE I guess. Kobe is the GOAT of this generation. If you fighting that Unfollow me then.
— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings) agosto 20, 2014
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